Tired? Rest.


Tired? Rest.

“When We Are Tired, We Rest.”

Sitting here this morning after a week’s vacation feeling rested and rejuvenated, I am reminded of how important it is to practice good self care. While extended vacation time is great, I am also reminded of the importance of finding time during a typical day to practice self care as well.

Self care was something I knew nothing about for a very long time. I spent so much of my time burning up energy both emotionally and physically that I often walked around resentful, irritable, and on edge. Because I didn’t take the time to get my physical needs met, I had little chance of being able to successfully interact with those around me: family, friends, co-workers, and even strangers.

There are many things that will come our way today and everyday that we have little or no control over. In order for us to set ourselves up for the best possible outcomes for the day, we must do what is within our control to to allow that to happen. Paying attention to our physical needs in the same way one would for a child is imperative for us to be at our best to handle whatever may come our way today.

Eat when you are hungry.
Rest when you are tired.
Take a walk.

Oh yeah, and BREATHE.
Gwen Uss